Thursday, November 6, 2008

50 visits!

I have received 50 visits to this blog. Umm okay good start! Especially because I did not post a whole lot during October. This is what happens when you are coaching, in graduate school, doing a student teaching internship, swimming, and trying to recover from a broken wrist!
We talked about service learning in my methods course yesterday. This project (which I will NOT give up on!) is a compilation of several indirect service projects. It is almost service learning too, because it is linked to my curriculum right now!
I need to find some more open water swimmers...where is everyone?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

One more week!!

One more week until I can SWIM swim, not kick swim. I am very excited! My kick has improved a lot. I've noticed that during breaststroke, which is my worst stroke and about 75% powered by kick, I feel nearly the same speed now as before when I was actually swimming. It will be exciting to put the pieces together now that my arm is (almost) all better!