Friday, October 31, 2008

Swim #1

I completed swim number 1 last weekend!
While the grand total has not been counted yet, I raised $40 and kicked 4725 yards.

Yes, kicked.

Yes, $40.

Last August, I was in a car accident and broke my left wrist (scaphoid fracture). It is almost better, but I had surgery on it and am not supposed to swim until mid-N0vember. I kicked the whole time. Our team member came by and she seemed touched that I was still there.

I would have liked to have raised more than $40, but my resources are still tapped from this June, when I asked everyone to sponsor me in the Chesapeake Bay Swim.

I need to come up with some fundraising ideas for future swims. Any ideas??

It was appropriate that the first swim started close to home, at the pool where I was a little Y swimmer.

90 minutes of kicking was fun...good way to get started on this endevour. If anyone has any ideas for more swims (and maybe hopefully someone out there is reading this?) please comment! Especially for swims during the winter. Open water swimming is tough in Maryland in the winter time!!